Returning to Campus? Here’s what you need to know…
Wireless – AirPennNet
If you connect your device, such as a laptop or mobile phone, to Penn’s wireless network, you’ll need to reconnect to AirPennNet. When you search for a wireless network, you’ll notice a new SSID for AirPennNet called Connect to AirPennNet. You can follow the steps below to help you get back on AirPennNet.
Please select your operating system from the above tabs for specific instructions.
Confirm you do not have an old AirPennNet profile installed on your laptop. You will need to delete it if installed.

Select Network and Internet

Select Wifi in the left pane and Manage Known Networks in the right pane.

Click on the AirPennNet entry and click Forget.

You can now connect to AirPennNet. When prompted for credentials, enter your Pennkey and Pennkey Password.

Confirm old AirPennNet profile
Confirm you do not have an old AirPennNet profile installed on your Macbook. You will need to delete it if installed.
To confirm, open System Preferences from Launchpad, or the Apple Dock. Click Profiles.

The installed profile will be entitled University of Pennsylvania… Click on the profile, in the list on the left pane. Click the – symbol next to the + symbol. If you do not have an old profile installed, you can skip to Connect to AirPennNet.

Connect to AirPennNet
From your Home Screen/Desktop, click on the wireless icon located on upper right-side of screen, then select the Connect to AirPennNet network.

Open Launchpad , or just open the Safari web browser and visit

The following page will open. Enter your Pennkey credentials > click Configure Profile Only > click Join Now.

Click System Preferences from Launchpad , or from the Apple dock. Launchpad was used to open System Preferences in this example.

Click Profiles.

The new profile will appear > click Install.

Enter the password used to log into your Mac device > click OK.

The profile has now been installed. Close the window.

Click the wireless icon and select AirPennNet from the list of available networks.

Confirm you have old AirPennNet profiles installed on your device. From the Home screen, Settings > General > Profile > select the Profile if installed

Select RemoveProfile > enter personal passcode > Remove

Confirm Profile deleted > General > Settings > Wi-Fi > select Connect to AirPennNet network

Once connected to Connect to AiPennNet network > Open Safari > go to > enter Pennkey login credentials > select JoinNow

A new configuration profile will be installed. Allow > Close

The profile will now be installed. Select Install > enter personal passcode > Install

The profile has now installed > Select Done > Settings > you should now be connected to the AirPennNet network

For more information, and common issues and solutions, visit the Connect to AirPennNet page.
Microsoft Teams
When you first log in to your on campus PC, you may need to enter your Microsoft Teams information. Please follow the guide below to help you get back up and running. If you have any questions along the way, please contact us.
New Webcams

We have installed a new Logitech Webcam on your PC! A new version of the Logitech Webcam Settings is now on all University Life desktops. Below are instructions on how to use the webcam, access the software and the different settings you can change.
Note: Please do not remove these webcams from your desktop computer – they are for “in-office” use only.
Resetting Your Password
You may need to reset your VPUL LAN Password (this is the password you use to sign in to your PC on campus). We have a Password Reset app that will allow you to securely reset your password any time you happen to forget it (it happens to us, too!). Your new password must be at least 14 characters. If you’ve tried 3 or more times before resetting your password, you may have locked your account out, you can also unlock it with the same app.
You can find out more information, and a walk-through documentation, on our Password Reset page. You can reset your password below:
Remember to Sign out
As you begin transitioning to working on campus, we’d like to remind you that once you’re finished working for the day to please remember to Sign out of your PC.